Placenta Encapsulation
** I strongly recommend you plan to keep your placenta, whether or not you ultimately choose to have it encapsulated. You want to keep your options open. The sooner you process the placenta after birth, the fresher and more potent it will be and it will help you get through those first transitional weeks, when your hormones are imbalanced and you are establishing breastfeeding. But delaying the decision to encapsulate your baby’s placenta is still far better than not having that choice anymore! **
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Pricing for Placenta Encapsulation capsules and tinctures in Melbourne click HERE
Pricing for Placenta Encapsulation capsules and tinctures in Melbourne click HERE
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Placenta Preparation Services

Placenta Encapsulation (capsules)
Placenta Tinctures
Cord Keepsakes
The process of ingesting the placenta has been undertaken over the history of mankind.
The process of encapsulating food and medicine to ingest via capsule has been used, firstly by the Egyptians for centuries.
The process of processing the placenta into a ground powder has been used for thousands of years by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Dr's. Dried Human Placenta is also known as zi he chi in TCM.
For the Postpartum/Postnatal Period, ingestion of the placenta in many forms including capsules has reported to have many benefits such as, Increased milk supply, increased energy levels, hormone stabilisation, decreased instances of PND, pain relieving qualities and the ability to stop postpartum hemorrhaging and faster recovery post natal.
Placenta Tinctures
Cord Keepsakes
The process of ingesting the placenta has been undertaken over the history of mankind.
The process of encapsulating food and medicine to ingest via capsule has been used, firstly by the Egyptians for centuries.
The process of processing the placenta into a ground powder has been used for thousands of years by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Dr's. Dried Human Placenta is also known as zi he chi in TCM.
For the Postpartum/Postnatal Period, ingestion of the placenta in many forms including capsules has reported to have many benefits such as, Increased milk supply, increased energy levels, hormone stabilisation, decreased instances of PND, pain relieving qualities and the ability to stop postpartum hemorrhaging and faster recovery post natal.
The Benefits of Consuming the Placenta

What is placentophagia?
Placentophagia is the process of a new mother consuming her placenta postpartum by either eating the placenta raw, cooked, in capsule form or drinking the juices from the placenta once it is cooked or any other form you can think of these days that involves any part of the Placenta entering the digestive system of a person.
Why ingest the placenta after birth?
- Prevent or lessen the risk of postpartum depression or baby blues’
- Replenish your iron from blood loss during birth and to prevent post birth anaemia
- Lending you a consistent flow of oxytocin long after your birth euphoria ends
- Providing the HPL hormone to help establish early and healthy milk supply
- To stabilize your ever changing hormones post birth
- To replenish your B vitamins and energy that were used during the labour and birthing process
- To lessen bleeding due to retained placenta tissue or membranes.
Iron- The placenta postpartum is rich in iron. It is estimated that up to 50% of US citizens have some form of low iron or anemia. Replenishing so much blood, rich in iron, after birth is a large task to take on. Having low iron often results in lower hormone levels, fatigue, lack of concentration and depressive symptoms. In studies, women with postpartum depression given iron supplements improved greatly.
Lactation- In a study where women were given placenta to consume, 86% reported increased milk production within 4 days. Research is still being done to completely narrow down exactly which hormones react with human milk supply to give it a boost. Mothers who have experienced Toxemia or pre-eclampsia during pregnancy may find that their milk is slow to come in. Consuming placenta directly after birth has shown in many cases to help this.
Hormone Stabilization- Hormonal fluctuations looked at in direct research with postpartum depression has shown that the placenta contains hormones to assist in treating and preventing this disorder. During the pregnancy the placenta produces stress fighting hormones. Once the placenta is no longer present, it can take months for the brain and body to level out the hormones. During this time, the instability can cause depressive symptoms. By ingesting the placenta after birth, the mother is reintroducing these vital hormones to her body, until her brain signals its own production and can level it out on its own.
Pain Relief- Research has shown that ingesting placenta increases the effectiveness of opioids. The mother would need to take much less pain medication to reach the same desired pain management. The women would experience less pharm logical side effects and better maternal responsiveness.
“The most general benefit of placentophagy, according to recent research, is that placenta and amniotic fluid contain a molecule (POEF, Placental Opioid-Enhancing Factor) that modifies the activity of endogenous opioids in such a way that produces an enhancement of the natural reduction in pain that occurs shortly after and during delivery.”
Based on TCM usage of Dried Human Placenta, women that have suffered from high blood pressure, swelling and protein in the urine find that consuming their placenta postpartum soothes her kidneys and helps to resolves these symptoms more quickly than if it was left untreated.
Hormones known to be in the placenta:
- Oxytocin- The feel good or love hormone. Creates feelings of bonding, pain relief, happiness and elation.
- Cortisone- This hormone unlocks energy stored in the body and combats stress. (cortisol)
- Inter-feron- This hormones stimulates the immune system to fight off infections while the mother is healing from birth.
- Prostaglandins- Acts as an anti-inflammatory.
- Hemoglobin- Replenishes iron, stimulates iron production in blood.
- Urokinase inhibiting factor and factor XIII- Lessens bleeding and promotes faster healing.
- Prolactin- Stimulates healthy mammary function and milk production.
Placenta Encapsulation Methods
1. Raw Method
RAW Placenta Encapsulation skips the heating process altogether. This method of preparation involves cleaning the placenta and then dehydrating the placenta before it is ground and put into capsules. Placenta capsules made with this method provide a burst of energy up front and great hormone stabilization.
2. TCM Method
TCM Placenta Encapsulation is inspired by Traditional Chinese Medicine. This method of preparation involves cleaning the placenta, gently heating and then dehydrating the placenta before it is ground and put into capsules.
Your unique blend of Traditional Chinese Herbs can be added to boost your personal blend and increase your quantity of capsules. Using this preparation is thought to bring out the placentas healing and tonifying properties.
This can be done through your own Chinese Medicine practitioner or one affiliated with Butterfly Beginnings. You will need to have an assessment with a TCM Dr for this to happen.
Note: The information on this page has not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. The services I offer are not clinical, pharmaceutical, nor intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Families who choose to utilize my services take full responsibility for researching and using the remedies.
Whilst we offer the above information, we also inform you that we have derived this information from on line sources and in various research papers and training institutions.
We continue to utilise resources in gathering information in regards to the placenta, its functions and the pros and cons of ingestion.
Whilst we offer the above information, we also inform you that we have derived this information from on line sources and in various research papers and training institutions.
We continue to utilise resources in gathering information in regards to the placenta, its functions and the pros and cons of ingestion.