The Facts
- Hypnosis is a technique used to create change within the mind and body at a subconscious level.
- Hypnosis is the use of purposefully induced trance to achieve maximum relaxation and change in a persons life.
- Some hypnosis is self-hypnosis; the hypnotists role is to guide you into hypnosis and direct the subconscious to get the results that you want. A person chooses to enter into a hypnotic state, stay in, and come out at will.
- Everyone can be hypnotised it is based on willingness, belief, and motivation that have great influence over "hypnotisability."
- During hypnosis you are neither asleep nor unconscious and you will always come out when you wish or when you have made the changes you desire.
- Stronger-minded and stronger-willed people are easier to be placed in a hypnotic state—not the other way around, as is usually assumed.
- You cannot be made to divulge information or do anything against your will while in hypnosis.
- Hypnosis is not satanic or religion-oriented; it is just a way to redirect your thoughts and feelings and unwanted patterns or behaviours.
- Hypnosis for the purpose of birth is to use positive suggestion to the unconscious mind and gain resources and tools for a positive journey and experience for you and your family.
A Butterfly Beginnings HypnoDoula will not only educate you in birth and the mechanics, she will also take you deeper within yourself to experience change in a state that is allows you to drop into a deep birth trance during labour.
A great hypnosis practitioner is often NLP trained as well and understands your own personal needs and unconscious behaviors, often before you do!
PH: 0425 787 304 or CONTACT