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What is a Doula?
One thing I have come to realise whilst developing information for people who ask the question, "What is a Doula?", is that there is only one fact that defines a Doula, and the rest varies from Doula to Doula as individuals.
1. Doula is an ancient Greek word meaning 'female slave or servant', serving the pregnant, labouring and new mother in her experience.
In other words, a Doula is employed by you, to serve you
She will help you with your experiences.
She is a powerful tool and resource of information and holding the space for you to make decisions.
A Butterfly Beginnings Doula will by no means, be your voice, but will hold a presence in the birth space and support the space for you to be heard!
1. Doula is an ancient Greek word meaning 'female slave or servant', serving the pregnant, labouring and new mother in her experience.
In other words, a Doula is employed by you, to serve you
She will help you with your experiences.
She is a powerful tool and resource of information and holding the space for you to make decisions.
A Butterfly Beginnings Doula will by no means, be your voice, but will hold a presence in the birth space and support the space for you to be heard!
Doula/ Birth Attendant
What do you think a Doula does?
Perinatal Doula (Pre and Postnatal)
A birth doulas main role is to accompany women in labour to help ensure a satisfying birth experience, maintaining the safety of baby and mother first.
A Doula is a trained professional hired by you that specialises pregnancy, birth and early infant care.
A Doula is not a doctor or midwife and has no clinical responsibility or role in your birth.
However, your doula can improve the birth experience for the mother and baby in many ways. As a doulas we support women before, during and after labour by providing personal assistance. We draw on experience, knowledge and training to give you emotional support and physical comfort throughout the birth. We also provide you with as much information as we have on topics surrounding childbirth so that you can base your decisions and your birthing plan on a variety of information. The information we have comes from published books, articles and DVDs, which we can loan to you or direct you to find. Throughout your pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period we am employed by you, not the hospital and we dedicate ourselves only to your needs. Doulas make themselves available to provide reassurance and encouragement to you and your partner, to discuss all options available to you, and to help you relax and find your most comfortable positions during labour. Dionne is also available on in person by appointment, by phone or by email before and after the birth should you wish to talk about anything related to the birth.
What are the Benefits of having a doula?
A collation of many studies, from around the world have concluded that a trained doulas support is more effective than hospital staff, friends and family alone. The COCHRANES REVIEW is one of them.
Studies consistently demonstrate very impressive benefits for the mother, father and baby, including:
REDUCTIONS in the rates of:
Cesarean Section by 50%
Use of forceps by 40%
Requests for epidurals by 60%
Use of synthetic oxytocin for inductions and augmentations by 40%
Drugs used for pain management by 30%
The length of labour by 25%
Anxiety (28% vs 40% without a doula)
Depression (10% vs 23% without a doula)
INCREASES in the rates of:
Breastfeeding beyond 6 weeks postnatal (51% vs 21% without a doula)
Higher self esteem (74% vs 59% without a doula)
Butterfly Beginning’s Doulas provide the following:
Birth Doula
* Emotional support for the birthing woman and her partner.
* Ensure you have the information needed to make informed decisions.
*Provide reassurance and perspective; make suggestions for labour progress and assist with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort.
*A doula becomes familiar with and can help you prepare your plans for pregnancy, birth and the immediate postpartum period and supports you in your decisions.
*Is committed to being available to you 24/7(by phone and for the birth) two weeks before and two weeks after your due date. If the baby is premature the doula will make every effort to provide other appropriate services and/or the services described but if she is not able, your doula will do their best to find you a back up doula. (usually, with your permission this will have been organised in advance)
*Can answer questions and make suggestions over the phone and will decide with you, at what time she should come to your home or wait for further change.
* Except for extraordinary circumstances, the doula remains with you throughout your birthing time.
*Your doula usually remains with you for an hour or two after delivery, unless you decide that your family is ready for private time together.
Postnatal Doula
A Postnatal Doula is someone to help you settle and get back on track after the birth of your baby. She may help to facilitate breastfeeding… Offer suggestions and un-bias information. Help to settle your baby. Offer techniques for wrapping and positioning for feeding. Provide ideas for sibling inclusion. You gain positivity and confidence in yourself and your parenting abilities. You gain a more settled baby!
The promise of a Doula
1. You can not hurt my feelings
2. I won’t lie to you
3. I will help you feel safe
4. I cannot speak for you, but I will make sure that you have a voice and I will make sure you are heard
Choosing a doula
I prefer to meet you and your partner at least twice before the birth to become acquainted with both of you, to discuss your wishes and concerns and to explore the ways in which I can support you both.
Our initial meeting (the interview) does not obligate you in any way. I will encourage you to look around as choosing the right support for you is very important.
There is no charge for the interview process.
If you choose me as your doula
I visit you according to the package you choose from my services.
I help you to prepare for the birth and after. I provide you with skills and tools to use not only in labour but you will find them useful in everyday life. I can help with appointments and negotiate the system if necessary. I provide encouragement, and support ofr feeding and understanding you baby’s cues, and much more...
I do not perform any clinical tasks, such as monitoring blood pressure or physical examinations. I will provide for your physical comfort and emotional support. I will not give you advice or make decisions for you, but I will endeavour to provide unbiased information to you so that you can make your own, informed decisions.
A ‘doula’ does not have any clinical responsibility and does not do any of the following:
* Blood pressure, foetal assessments, vaginal examinations or take the clients temperature (even if qualified to do so) and cannot make decisions for you.
After the birth
At least one visit with additional available as per service package or agreement.
I usually stay with you for one or two hours, unless you are comfortable and you wish to be alone with your family.
I usually like to meet with you on day 2 or 3 after the birth then at around week 2 or 3 after the birth to see you and your baby and to review the birth. At least one postnatal visit is required as a part of debriefing the birth and setting you up for amazing parenting habits!
- Are you having a public or private hospital or home birth?
- Would you like to feel confident that you have continuity of care?
- What about someone to decipher all that hospital jargon?
- Maybe a helping hand to organise the house or children before or after the birth?
- Are you concerned about PND?
- Are you concerned about medical interventions?
- I wonder if you might have planned a C-Section how this could benefit you?
A birth doulas main role is to accompany women in labour to help ensure a satisfying birth experience, maintaining the safety of baby and mother first.
A Doula is a trained professional hired by you that specialises pregnancy, birth and early infant care.
A Doula is not a doctor or midwife and has no clinical responsibility or role in your birth.
However, your doula can improve the birth experience for the mother and baby in many ways. As a doulas we support women before, during and after labour by providing personal assistance. We draw on experience, knowledge and training to give you emotional support and physical comfort throughout the birth. We also provide you with as much information as we have on topics surrounding childbirth so that you can base your decisions and your birthing plan on a variety of information. The information we have comes from published books, articles and DVDs, which we can loan to you or direct you to find. Throughout your pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period we am employed by you, not the hospital and we dedicate ourselves only to your needs. Doulas make themselves available to provide reassurance and encouragement to you and your partner, to discuss all options available to you, and to help you relax and find your most comfortable positions during labour. Dionne is also available on in person by appointment, by phone or by email before and after the birth should you wish to talk about anything related to the birth.
What are the Benefits of having a doula?
A collation of many studies, from around the world have concluded that a trained doulas support is more effective than hospital staff, friends and family alone. The COCHRANES REVIEW is one of them.
Studies consistently demonstrate very impressive benefits for the mother, father and baby, including:
REDUCTIONS in the rates of:
Cesarean Section by 50%
Use of forceps by 40%
Requests for epidurals by 60%
Use of synthetic oxytocin for inductions and augmentations by 40%
Drugs used for pain management by 30%
The length of labour by 25%
Anxiety (28% vs 40% without a doula)
Depression (10% vs 23% without a doula)
INCREASES in the rates of:
Breastfeeding beyond 6 weeks postnatal (51% vs 21% without a doula)
Higher self esteem (74% vs 59% without a doula)
Butterfly Beginning’s Doulas provide the following:
Birth Doula
* Emotional support for the birthing woman and her partner.
* Ensure you have the information needed to make informed decisions.
*Provide reassurance and perspective; make suggestions for labour progress and assist with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort.
*A doula becomes familiar with and can help you prepare your plans for pregnancy, birth and the immediate postpartum period and supports you in your decisions.
*Is committed to being available to you 24/7(by phone and for the birth) two weeks before and two weeks after your due date. If the baby is premature the doula will make every effort to provide other appropriate services and/or the services described but if she is not able, your doula will do their best to find you a back up doula. (usually, with your permission this will have been organised in advance)
*Can answer questions and make suggestions over the phone and will decide with you, at what time she should come to your home or wait for further change.
* Except for extraordinary circumstances, the doula remains with you throughout your birthing time.
*Your doula usually remains with you for an hour or two after delivery, unless you decide that your family is ready for private time together.
Postnatal Doula
A Postnatal Doula is someone to help you settle and get back on track after the birth of your baby. She may help to facilitate breastfeeding… Offer suggestions and un-bias information. Help to settle your baby. Offer techniques for wrapping and positioning for feeding. Provide ideas for sibling inclusion. You gain positivity and confidence in yourself and your parenting abilities. You gain a more settled baby!
The promise of a Doula
1. You can not hurt my feelings
2. I won’t lie to you
3. I will help you feel safe
4. I cannot speak for you, but I will make sure that you have a voice and I will make sure you are heard
Choosing a doula
I prefer to meet you and your partner at least twice before the birth to become acquainted with both of you, to discuss your wishes and concerns and to explore the ways in which I can support you both.
Our initial meeting (the interview) does not obligate you in any way. I will encourage you to look around as choosing the right support for you is very important.
There is no charge for the interview process.
If you choose me as your doula
I visit you according to the package you choose from my services.
I help you to prepare for the birth and after. I provide you with skills and tools to use not only in labour but you will find them useful in everyday life. I can help with appointments and negotiate the system if necessary. I provide encouragement, and support ofr feeding and understanding you baby’s cues, and much more...
I do not perform any clinical tasks, such as monitoring blood pressure or physical examinations. I will provide for your physical comfort and emotional support. I will not give you advice or make decisions for you, but I will endeavour to provide unbiased information to you so that you can make your own, informed decisions.
A ‘doula’ does not have any clinical responsibility and does not do any of the following:
* Blood pressure, foetal assessments, vaginal examinations or take the clients temperature (even if qualified to do so) and cannot make decisions for you.
After the birth
At least one visit with additional available as per service package or agreement.
I usually stay with you for one or two hours, unless you are comfortable and you wish to be alone with your family.
I usually like to meet with you on day 2 or 3 after the birth then at around week 2 or 3 after the birth to see you and your baby and to review the birth. At least one postnatal visit is required as a part of debriefing the birth and setting you up for amazing parenting habits!
Where to now?
Ph/sms:(+61) 0425 787 304 or
Fill out the below quote form and send it back via email or the contact page.
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